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Generating Public and Private SSH Key Pairs
Generating Public and Private SSH Key Pairs

Steps to create public and private SSH key pairs.

Madeline Volpe avatar
Written by Madeline Volpe
Updated over a week ago

Creating SSH Keys

In order to access Grata’s flat file you need to generate a public and private SSH key pair on your machine, local or hosted, and input the public key within the Grata Accounts page.

Create two pair of keys if you are accessing both the All Companies data warehouse option and exporting companies from a list.

Linux/MacOS User Guide

To access the full Grata flat file directory (including daily dumps of all Companies, Domains, Executive Contacts, and Location):

  1. Open the terminal.

  2. In the terminal, type: ssh-keygen -P "" -m PEM -f ~/<name as you wish>

    1. You can choose what you would like to name your key and can replace <name as you wish> in the above accordingly.

    2. This will create 2 files:

      1. <name as you wish>

      2. <name as you wish>.pub

  3. Open the file <name as you wish>.pub with a text editor and copy the text within the file.

    1. Alternative you can type the following: cat ~/<name as you wish>.pub which will print the public key to the terminal

    2. Please remove any characters after the = sign and space when copying the key.

      1. For example when you see the following: ssh-rsa AAAAB3g7WXEHsoO2OyIsgR8/dzr8dYVuGDzXOhClOpLB1E+zYrfghMV0Z/655X6Ic4pUl2EYATdRc= mpb@Alexs-MacBook-Pro-3.local

      2. Copy only as follows: ssh-rsa AAAAB3g7WXEHsoO2OyIsgR8/dzr8dYVuGDzXOhClOpLB1E+zYrfghMV0Z/655X6Ic4pUl2EYATdRc=

  4. Enter the public key in the Grata > Accounts page within the Flat File set-up screens.

Windows User Guide

To access the full Grata flat file directory (including daily dumps of all Companies, Domains, Executive Contacts, and Location):

  1. Download and install PuTTYgen.

  2. Click “Generate a public/private key pair” where the Type of key is RSA.

    1. Save the private key as <name as you wish>. You can choose what you would like to name your key and can replace <name as you wish> accordingly.

    2. In PuTTY, load <name as you wish> just generated.

    3. In the top tap, go to Conversions then Export OpenSSH Key.

    4. Enter the public key in the Grata > Accounts page within the flat file setup screens.

Head here to setup your Flat File Configuration in Grata Search or learn more about how to Access & Download Your Files.

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